Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I am God

I'm the beginning and finishing point.
The first and the last,
I am the creator and the destroyer.
I'm Past, Present and the Future.
I'm source of spiritual illumination.
In the darkness I'm light.
In life I'm divine.

I'm the commencer and the terminator,
I can initiate and I can end.
I can start and I can stop
I am idol, deity your saviour.

I'm  universal....
In heaven and on earth.
I'm air for Life
I have turned soil into an mortal man.
I'm infinite....
All is me and I'm it.
I'm always with you.
Believe me or realize.

I'm Almighty and a truth,
I'm called by many names.
Brahma, Zues, Allah are few.
I'm titled as your God